Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Positive Male Role Models Essay

The Key to the Success of the African American Male March 11, 2007 For the majority of African American males, the path to success is a challenging one. Young African American males in today’s society face major challenges to their growth and security. The lack of opportunity and motivation stems from preceding obstacles set before the pathways of their ancestors. Therefore, the crisis faced by present day African American males is nothing new. Having unchanged outcomes in the social aspect of present-day African American males, Black youth should take the unsuccessful paths of their predecessors as lessons learned. Nevertheless, there can not be any type of change expected without adequate opportunities as well as appropriate motivation. From an early age, it has become increasingly apparent that Black males are confronted with a series of obstacles in their attempts to attain academic, career, and personal-social success (Lee, 1992). Being that children are very impressionable, young black males need to be inspired with confidence by a positive example or influence in the beginning stages. The prior stages of adolescence are the most important to the development of successful African American males. This is where the need for positive male role models becomes affective. Most would agree that the key factor of role models is greatly needed. Within the article, Wanted: A few good men, the importance of role models to increase opportunities for African American males were emphasized. Pointed out was a specific period in which a defining moment takes place in the young black male’s life. This was noted as the second of several defining moments, â€Å"When individuals assert their independence and often engage in high-risk behavior† (Simms, 1991). This was seen in many black males, but particularly in those whose lives lacked a successful role model. In many cases, this is the key setback in the development of successful black males. The concern for the lack of successful role models is not the only factor, but the lack of realistic models for African American males is an issue also. In the article, Fighting the failure syndrome, it speaks of rescuing African American males from a future of self-destruction and an absence of positive male influence. The fact of the matter is, the majority of black youth grow up in female-headed, poor, and negative influenced environments (Simms, 1991). Now, with the lack of a father or father figure, the stereotypical negative branding, and no other inspiring influences, Black youth are left with a limited choice of models to follow. It is stated that successful celebrities are too distant to offer realistic models of reliable maturity. â€Å"The adult males whom many black boys try to emulate come from their own neighborhoods, and in tough urban areas, these â€Å"models† are all too often involved in drugs and crime† (Tifft, 1990). With that being said, there needs to be an empowering of young Black males. And coincidentally, Empowering Young Black Males, is an article that covers a variety of problems and possible solutions to the major challenges young Black males are faced with today. This article deals with African American males in schools, psychosocial development, as well as actions for intervention. The acknowledgement that young Black males are sufferers of negative attitudes and lowered expectations further enhances the need for empowerment schemes. Such initiatives must focus on helping Black male youth develop attitudes, behaviors, and values necessary to function at optimal levels at school and in the world (Lee, 1992). Black male empowerment can play a major role in sponsoring a positive-based developmental program. The articles used provide good supporting facts of why positive male role models are needed as well as how much of a factor they are in the path to success. The process of developing young African American males goes through many stages. Having to find the right man for the job, the effort in being effective in breaking the negative cycle, to the overall empowering of Black youth is a task.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Inclusion of Special Needs Children in Regular Classrooms Essay

Bobby, a young boy, is diagnosed with autism at age 3. At age 5 his parents attempt to place him into the kindergarten class in their school district. The school district wanted to immediately put Bobby into a special education classroom that is made up of entirely special needs children of all different disorders. Knowing that Bobby was prone to tantrums and uneasy with things unfamiliar to him, his parents wanted Bobby placed into a regular classroom with normally functioning students but with extra help from perhaps an extra aide or teacher. The school district decided to accommodate Bobby’s parents’ wishes and placed Bobby into a regular kindergarten classroom with a one-on-one aide who would also assist a few other children in the class when needed. This type of classroom is an inclusion classroom, meaning normally developing students are placed in the same class as special needs children so they can all learn from each other. It is not always easy for special need s children to adjust to an inclusion classroom at first, but they then usually become a successful environment. In the beginning of the school year Bobby had frequent outbursts when told to move from one activity onto another. These outbursts disturbed the classroom and Bobby’s classmates. Sometimes Bobby would scream and cry â€Å"NO!† when forced to relinquish a toy or supply to another student to teach him to share. Other times he wouldcry because he did not understand that every turn could not be his turn during games. Transition times were always a problem, because Bobby did not comprehend the concept of finishing one activity and moving onto the next. He just did not understand that the previous activity would still be there to do at another time or place. However, after a period of time and observing the â€Å"normal† students in his classroom, Bobby began to have fewer and shorter outbursts and began to understand simple concepts like finishing coloring and moving onto learning his alphabet. Many parents argue that having special needs children in the classroom with their normal children will hinder everyone’s learning and cause disruptions and distractions. However, inclusion classrooms help to teach sensitivity to normal students and proper interaction with society to special needs students. Inclusion in the scholastic environment benefits both the disabled student and the non-disabled student in obtaining better life skills. By  including all students as much as possible in general or regular education classes all students can learn to work cooperatively, work with different kinds of people, and how to help people in tasks. â€Å"As J.W. Whitworth, the Department of Education Chair of Texas, notes, ‘†¦the goal of inclusion in schools is to create a world, in which all people are knowledgeable about and supportive of all other people,'† (3). Every child in a public school system is required to receive a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) (Public Law 102-119). For higher-functioning children with special needs FAPE means being included in a regular classroom. Despite many arguments that special needs children are a hindrance to education in inclusion classrooms, the benefits of inclusive teaching outweigh the negative aspects. Any specialneeds child who is capable of functioning with some assistance in a mainstream classroom should be afforded that opportunity. No high functioning special needs student should be forced to remain in a classroom full of students that are lower functioning than them, therefore slowing down their education. Of the many benefits aspects for children placed in inclusion classrooms, there is none more important than the academic benefits. According to the Journal of Early Intervention, in a study of parents and teachers of inclusion classroom students, children with developmental disabilities placed in inclusion classrooms make great improvements in language, cognitive and motor development that are above their peers in special education classrooms (52). One way that students benefit is by learning skills of independence. Special needs students learn to depend on themselves first and then ask for help when they really need it. In the inclusive setting there won’t be as much of an opportunity for teachers or aids to assist all of the students. In a study conducted by Johns Hopkins University (Success For All) it was determined that in an inclusion setting â€Å"assessments showed improved reading performance for all students, the most dramatic improvements occurred among the lowest achievers.† (Stout, 2001). By placing the special needs students in with the general education students, all students are provided with better resources in the classroom. Aside from providing children with academic benefits, inclusion also provides children with a better understanding and respect for diversity. Being in a setting with many different types of students with different needs and abilities provides students with a way to learn about differences and how they can help others. In the â€Å"Success For All†study, results showed that the children involved had â€Å"a reduced fear of human differences accompanied by increased comfort and awareness† (Stout, 2001). If children are separated in the school because of their developmental differences then they will never truly learn that it is acceptable to be a unique individual. According to the Early Childhood Research Quarterly â€Å"typically developing children from inclusive classrooms [give] significantly higher acceptance ratings to hypothetical peers with disabilities than children from setting that do not include children with disabilities† (Hestenes, Carroll, 231). The idea that it is acceptable to be different should become common knowledge to all students. With that knowledge, students can make the future a better place for everyone. One tangible problem that could be avoided in the future if children are given exposure to disabled children are that people will not be turned down for jobs by non-accepting employers who do not understand the capabilities of some disabled workers. Another major benefit that students can gain from being in an inclusion classroom is a heightened self-concept. Larry Daniel and Debra King, writers for the Journal of Educational Outreach believe that â€Å"it is generally agreed that children who have learning problems and/or those who are behaviorally impaired often develop a poor self-concept† (Volume 91, Issue 2, 67).One way that students can gain a better self-concept is by learning that all students have strengths and weaknesses in the classroom and that needing help is acceptable. Special needs students will see general education students asking the teachers and the aids for help and they will realize that everyone needs help at some point (Daniel, King, 68). If a child who is viewed as â€Å"smart† asks a teacher how toread a certain passage, a learning disabled child will feel more comfortable with also asking for help with reading. Sometimes when a teacher starts children off with activities where they can no t fail, it can build a better self-concept (Daniel, King, 68). For example, a teacher could start off a lesson with a creative activity  such as drawing what one feels a story is about. Children cannot fail at this activity because it is all based upon their personal feelings. When a child feels good about an activity at which they succeeded, it builds the foundation for the belief that they can succeed at anything if they try. One way to build a child’s self-concept that is easy and helpful to the teacher is by assigning small tasks around the room. Some such tasks could be watering plants, passing out paper, or running small errands. Assigning special tasks makes them feel important and enhances self-esteem. (Daniel, King, 68) The way that a teacher talks to a child may either strengthen or weaken a child’s self-esteem. When a teacher uses many negative words and speaks loudly to a child in front of classmates that child may feel as if everyone will then make fun of him or her. This in turn makes the child feel poorly and lowers confidence. Wording phrases in a positive way can help to get the message across to the student effectively and mannerly (Daniel, King, 69). The child’s enhanced self respect can lead to many new friendships. Also, a refined self-concept develops feelings of empowerment in children. This new feeling can keep up self-confidence and allow the children to be less afraid to try new things. Through the many studies, laws, and the support of the government, inclusion has had a very beneficial effect on society as a whole. Students are learning at a younger age to accept people for who they are while learning reading and writing. They are learningthat everyone is different but everyone is still â€Å"special† and should be accepted for being themselves. As they grow older inclusion stays beneficial by creating better self-esteem in the students. Ultimately, inclusion is benefiting society more and more every day, creating better and more educated people around the world. Works Cited Whitworth, J. W. â€Å"A Model for Inclusive Teacher Preparation.† Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education 1 (1999). Retrieved April 18. 2007, from Peck, C .A., Carlson, P., and Helmstetter, E. â€Å"Parent and Teacher Perceptions of Outcomes for Typically Developing Children Enrolled in Integrated Early Childhood Programs: A Statewide Survey.† Journal of Early Intervention (1992): 53-63. Stout, Katie. â€Å"Special Education Inclusion.† Educational Issues Series: Wisconsin Education Association (2007). 18 Apr. 2007 . Hestenes, L. L. & Carroll, D. E. (2000) The play interactions of young children with and without disabilities: individual and environmental influences, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 15,229-246. Daniels, Larry G., and Debra A. King. Journal of Educational Outreach 91 (1997): 67-81. 18 Apr. 2007.

Monday, July 29, 2019

ECBs decision and alternative policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

ECBs decision and alternative policies - Essay Example Mario Draghi who is the president of the European Central Bank made the announcement that the bank’s governing council had plans of launching an initiative of asset backed securities which will but financial assets from banks and other investing institutions. This scheme will assist banks to sell bundles of assets including loans to companies and mortgages to the ECB, and even though the full details were not disclosed immediately, there is likelihood that the bank will commit a lot of Euros to this. The main idea is that the banks will develop a will to make loans to the real economy if they are able to package the debt into newer securities and consequently sell them to the ECB. This essay seeks to explain the decision that was taken by ECB concerning interest rates while at the same time analyzing the alternative policies that the bank could have considered. The ECB has two main objectives with the key objective of the two being to use monetary policy to maintain stability of prices (Kaltenthaler, 2006, p. 127). The bank has a set goal for an inflation rate that is acceptable, which is below zero every year and this is among the ways that the ECB is different when compared to the US Federal Reserve that has more flexibility in the establishment of permissible inflation rates. Another dissimilarity between the two banks is the fact that the ECB emphasizes more on transparency and making the investors aware of its intentions. The inflation target being the main goal for the bank has created a key source of criticism for the bank and numerous people believe that this main objective is too narrow and should encompass other equally important goals like the achievement of full employment. Further, the lesser objective if the ECB involves supporting the general economic policies that affect the Eurozone. This means that the bank attempts to make sure that the stated goals of the European

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Political Economy and Economics Research Proposal

Political Economy and Economics - Research Proposal Example The term political economy is used in yet a third sense. â€Å"It is the name of the science, which treats of this nation-wide complexus of economic activities.† (Knight, 2005) The subject matter of political economy: Political economy studies the laws, which cover the functions of production and exchange of material means. Both important functions constitute. Production is an independent function but the exchange is dependent on production since exchange can only be done of products. Although the external influences affect both of the two functions but in order to put up with these external influences both the functions have their own laws. Production and exchange are the major activities, which constitutes the economics curve. The circumstances affecting these two functions can be different in different countries. The difference in time span in which both of these functions are practiced can also change the notion of political economy. â€Å"Political Economy belongs to no nation; it is of no country: it is the science of the rules for the production, the accumulation, the distribution, and the consumption of wealth. It will assert itself whether you wish it or not. It is founded on the attributes of the human mind, and no power can change it.† (Speech on the Irish bill, 1870)

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Art Blog Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Art Blog - Assignment Example The psychology of the postmodern world is the continual state of change as we live in its idealist manufactured dream, built by developers† (Cullen). The poster in the exhibit reflected this statement through a number of fascinating ways. The first way in which it reflected this statement was through its graphically perfected nature, the art of the poster defined by edges that were uneven, but perfect, text that was bold, but rendered through the use of a typographically rendered font. This work was developed through the use of technology that separated the user from the medium, a brush or a knife not the connection between the artist and the medium, but the printing tools performing as the artist commanded to render what the tools were already capable of performing. The work feels manufactured, which is directly juxtaposed with the theme which expresses the freedom of the surfer. The surfer represents the extension of youth, the ‘Endless’ not only about time in a year, but about time in a life. Looking at the poster is reminiscent of the dream of the wave as it endlessly crashes against the sand, the heat of the sun as it beats out the color of the day until the ocean is a part of every moment of a day that will never end. The feel of heat, the grit of the sand, and the idea of following the waves is expressed through color and silhouette within the graphically rendered poster. Not only is the theme expressed, but the post-modern world in which technology and youth crashes into nature and defies it, is expressed. The work is an expression of a new world as it was emerging in the most socially volatile time in American history. The film that the poster was made to express was released in 1966 in the middle of a revolution that changed culture towards a more youth oriented aesthetic, even as it changed race relations, gender relations, and the relationship that the American people had with their government. Chasing the elusive dream, the next wave and a summer that never ended was emblematic of the new American dreams of freedom. Seeing this poster in the midst of the exhibit created a feeling of hope in which that dream of freedom could be discovered. See Pacific Standard Time at the LACMA which opened on October 1, 2011. (The images for the blog are easy to find, but I don’t know what parameters your professor gave you for copyrights, so I cannot help you with this. Since you didn’t submit the information until yesterday, my time to try and comply with this has been limited) Cullen Lauren. Interview with John Van Hammersveld on Pacific Standard Time. 30 September 2011. Web. 2 November 2011. Blog 2 Big Black Sun: The Loss of the Master Narrative within a Collective of Artists Minds The Geffen Contemporary at the MOCA is hosting an exhibition entitled â€Å"Under the Black Sun: California Art 1974-1981†. Paul Schimmel in his article on the exhibition website page quotes critic Arthur C. Danto as he discussed the idea of pluralism as â€Å"the implication that there was no longer any historical direction. That meant there was no longer a vector to art history and no longer a basis in truth for the effort to spot the historically next thing† (Schimmel). In looking at the works within the exhibit, the division of artistic direction is clearly evident and the works speak and reveal a wide variety of ideas from which

H.R.111 Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act of 2011 Research Paper

H.R.111 Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act of 2011 - Research Paper Example The bill aims to ensure that insurance coverage be provided for the inpatient hospital stay for a minimum period post mastectomy and for outpatient stay in lumpectomy. Conflicting arguments prevent a consensus on the bill. On one hand it is claimed that post breast surgery the patient need physical care, guidance as well as psychological counseling. On the other hand researchers provide evidence in favor of ambulatory breast surgery. The current paper presents a comprehensive view of the various aspects of H. R. 111 bill and its impact on nurse’s role if enacted. H.R.111 BREAST CANCER PATIENT PROTECTION ACT OF 2009 BACKGROUND BREAST CANCER Cancer involves formation of lump or ‘tumor’ within a specific organ due to uncontrolled division of cells. Breast cancers effects lobules in breasts and have been defined as â€Å"the cancer of tissues of the breast, usually the ducts and lobules. It occurs in both male and female breast; although male breast cancer is rareâ⠂¬ . (National Cancer Institute, 2011) Breasts are modified skin glands located between the clavicles and sixth to eighth rib on the chest wall, and develop from the mammary ridge in the embryo. The gland tissue or lobules in the breast are responsible for milk production and are connected by ducts to the nipples. Besides the lobules and the ducts, breast also comprises of fatty, connective and lymphatic tissue. Recent studies provide evidence for the presence of more than 20 lobes or segments comprising of major lactiferous ducts involved in conducting milk to the nipples from the lobules. Each lobule, also known as the terminal portion of the duct system; comprises of multiple ductules that form its glandular acini, and the specialized connective tissue enveloping it. The rest of the breast comprises of stromal connective tissues that are histologically distinct. The terminal duct along with its lobular unit; is termed as terminal duct lobular unit (TDLU), and is usually the poin ts of origin of lung cancer. It has been hypothesized that this area possesses stem cells which are responsible for the tumor formation (Kopans, 2007). In situ breast cancer includes cancers restricted to ducts (ductal carcinoma in situ or DCIS), and lobules (lobular carcinoma in situ or LCIS); i.e. the tumor remains within its place of origin. In contrast invasive cancer refers to tumor spread beyond the place of origin, the severity of which is determined by the level of invasiveness. The cancers are diagnosed through needle or surgical biopsy. INCIDENCES OF BREAST CANCER Breasts cancers are the second most prevalent form of cancer next to skin cancer affecting women in US. During the year 2008, 40,480 women and 450 men were reported to have died from breast cancer. In the same year 182,460 and 1990 new cases of invasive breast cancer were reported for women and men respectively. With changes in life style patterns, and reproductive behavior the risks for occurrence of breast canc er are expected to rise. On the basis of data for the occurrence of breast cancer in the period spanning 1995-2007, it has been estimated that during the year 2011 a total of 230,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer and 75,650 additional cases of in situ breast cancer will be diagnosed. Further 39,520 women are expected to suffer death due to breast cancer making it the second major cancer in terms of mortality (next to lung cancer). Women become more vulnerable to breast cancer with advancing age; the threat rising sharply

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analogue Electronics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analogue Electronics - Coursework Example ii. While the "E" favored worth records are the most-ideal approach to protecting one is loading the ideal number of qualities for a given tolerance, an expression of alert is in place concerning what is accessible in the commercial center and certain certifiable practices. E24 has a tolerance of 5% and numerous makers make each worth on the E24 rundown in 1% tolerance despite the fact that the practice bodes well c. i. The increase of an operational enhancer or op-amp circuit relies on a mixed bag of elements including the circuit design and the segments around the operational intensifier chip itself. This page gives an outline or diagram of the gain of the distinctive operational enhancer circuits accessible. ii. This working mode is a blend of both the modifying and the non-upsetting speaker. In this mode, the yield will be the distinction between the two inputs, duplicated by the shut circle pick up. Setting the estimation of shut circle increase typically and attained by picking the proportion of the criticism and information resistors. In both the transforming and non-reversing speakers one and only enter was utilized, the other data being associated with

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Need help to write reflection paragraph for my project about the Assignment

Need help to write reflection paragraph for my project about the strategy project on ( Cesim Business Management Simulations ) - Assignment Example We learned this during the course of the game. Sometimes, there just concepts that are too abstract for us to understand in a classroom setting and only appreciate it in a business setting. For example, we decided to make our costs and expense low in the last few rounds thinking that it would it increase our net profit by keeping the deductions down. Theoretically, our assumption should be right but it is just too simplistic to assume that net profit will increase if cost will be reduced because there are also other things to consider in making profit. In our case, we reduce our costs and expense to only 740,749 which is one of the lowest in the game. Theoretically, if our deductions were small, then our net profit should be high. We realize that it does not necessarily follow this way. Reducing costs, especially those that are critical in generating revenues is not always healthy for the business. We are also not efficient in using our resources to generate revenue. We may have one of the lowest costs in the game in terms of numbers but if we relate this to the revenue generated, we are in fact one of the costliest business if not the costliest. Now, this would be difficult to realize in a classroom discussion. We have a lot of fixed assets but it did not generate revenue and only incurred us depreciation of 437Â  722 which can be considered as the highest in the game even if it is not the highest in numbers term because it only generated a sales revenue of 1Â  273Â  665. These incorrect assumptions, led us to do poorly in the last few rounds of the game. We were doing great in the first few rounds but wrong assumptions pulled us in the read so to speak, in the last few rounds because we had wrong assumptions. Good thing this was just a game because if this was the real life, our team would have lost our shirt. The game served its purpose of letting us understand how various concepts and components in

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

102-Exam1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

102-Exam1 - Essay Example The modern technology is now being used as a means to gather credible information from all sources that are available. So now there is a combined effort of the management and the systems that are created by the management to process these information. Management Information System (MIS) is a computer-based system that administers the flow of information in an organization, thus allowing them to quickly access precise data. It particularly points to organizational information systems that contain data with huge commercial value (Sadagopan, 2004, p. 1). MIS converts the obtained raw data into useful information which is then disseminated to the different departments of an organization that eventually becomes the source of idea needed by the management for decision making ("Management Information Systems," n.d.). The changes in technology are now becoming the cause of conflict in the application of MIS by organizations. The modification of some computer equipments and gadgets that are important to successfully carry out MIS affects the smooth flow of its operations. The result of which is a delay on the transmission of extremely relevant information. a system to convert data from internal and external sources into information and to communicate that information, in an appropriate form, to managers at all levels in all functions to enable them to make timely and effective decisions from planning, directing, and controlling the activities for which they are responsible. (p. 2) Based on the definition of Lucey, one can never deny the fact the MIS is crucial to the process of decision-making in organizations. Without MIS, the access to the available data would be slower as compared to the times when a company uses it. Thanks to technology, the accumulation of data and its conversion to more useful information has become an easy job. If during the ancient times people had to use their own strength to gather information, the businessmen

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Teach for America helps the education reform Essay

The Teach for America helps the education reform - Essay Example ugh the TFA wants to make the best reforms for the American educational system, critics argue that the short duration training is not enough for the corps members. This has brought forth the debate as to whether or not the TFA is indeed making a positive change in the society or if it is making matters worse by giving students inexperienced teachers to guide them. Teach For America (TFA) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1989 by Wendy Kopp. The organization operates on the motto: â€Å"One day, all children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education† and is driven by its mission: â€Å"To eliminate educational inequality by enlisting high-achieving recent college graduates and professionals to teach for two years in low-income communities throughout the United States.† In its first year of operation, TFA recruited and placed 500 teachers in various schools across the nation. The number has risen by over 50% over the decades. As suggested in its mission; the TFA recruits college graduates and professionals to teach in urban and rural communities throughout the US for two consecutive years. The recruits are known as corps members, and they do not have to be certified teachers (Tulenko 20). The corps members in TFA are cheaper so that they will give pressure to the tenure teachers to improve teaching performances.  Most of the TFA corps members are fresh college graduates who are eager to make a change in the society. Majority of them are hoping that they will be in a position to help the underprivileged students form low income families to get better grades. Many of them are liable to hearsay about the training program offered by the TFA and how it is aimed at making positive educational reforms. They are also aware of the fact that they will be placed in jobs at various schools across their country. Unaware of the problems that they will encounter due to poor training, they enroll for the program. Once they have

Monday, July 22, 2019

Larry page Essay Example for Free

Larry page Essay How was the leader ‘vision’ implemented? Google founded in 1998 with Sergey Brin. Google soon found itself at the top of search engines and from a small, garage- based company had transformed into a global giant. Google now is a synonym of worlds no1 ideal (New York Post, 2011) and employs 53546 people owns numerous offices worldwide. Some vision points for Google and future technologies that Larry pages laying out from Google’s developer conference in San Francisco 2011. â€Å"Technology should do the hard work so people can do the things that make them the happiest in life. † â€Å"We’re really only at 1% of what’s possible, and maybe even less than that†¦we’re still moving slow.† â€Å"We should be building great things that don’t exist.† â€Å"Being negative is not how we make progress.† â€Å"I’m sure people in the future will think were just as crazy as we think people in the past were.† â€Å"I think today we’re still just scratching the surface of what’s possible. That’s why I’m so excited Google is working on the platforms supporting all your innovations.† Source: Analyse Leader style. (Explain/ justify your answer) Larry Page has 5 leader style strategies 1. Follow the crazy ideas Google search engine of creativity stems from one of his dream: He was trying to download the entire Internet to your computer, but also to maintain the entire link. When someone did crazy to this extent, you will face smaller competitions. He said. 2. Create the team work, Avoid bureaucratic Larry is doing the reorganization without a whisper and streamlining of middle managers in order to eliminate bureaucracy. 3. Respond quickly and concisely  Page hopes to develop a more responsive and more flexible approach to management in Google, which would easy to make a judgment when making a decision. 4. Understand the importance of â€Å"little tricks† Google always improving their products such as Gmail, search engines and android products to take their customers have good image to Google. 5. Unremitting.  Larry pages thinks unremitting is a successful method to achieve the goals. If people not keep faith the thing they want to do, they may not achieve their objective. Source: Purpose of program. Google Larry and Sergey reason why the search engine named Google is actually taken from the mathematical term googol, meaning one followed by 100 zeros. In 1998, Sun Microsystems (Sun) co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim wrote a check for $ 100,000 U.S. dollars, the company does not yet exist to open Google Inc., Google Inc. Was born Summary and timeline of program implementation 1996 Larry and Sergey this time is a computer graduate student at Stanford University, they began to build a cooperative called BackRub search engine. 1997  Larry and Sergey decided to change to a new name Backrub search engine. After some brainstorming, the final decision is named Google 1998. Sun Microsystems (Sun) co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim wrote a check for $ 100,000 U.S. dollars to open a company does not yet exist: Google Inc. 8 1999 ~ recent  Eric Schmidt was appointed as chairman of the board First published 10 kinds of language version of , available in French, German, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Norwegian and Danish Start for searching for Chinese, Japanese and Korean language support to a total of 15 species. Google Toolbar launched . This is a browser plug-in can be carried out without entering the Google home search. Released the first mobile device with an open platform Android, August 19 in the United States Wall Street initial public offering of Class A common stock Google Maps official on-line Officially acquired AdMob, which is a mobile service multimedia advertising company. Announced the co-founder Larry Page in April 2011 will be the companys chief executive , Eric Schmidt will serve as executive chairman. (Source:

Self Esteem Essay Example for Free

Self Esteem Essay People who base their own self-worth on what others think and not on their value as human beings might pay a mental and physical price, according to research by Jennifer Crocker, PhD, a psychologist at the University of Michigans Institute for Social Research. Crocker, who has worked on a series of self-esteem studies, found in her latest research that college students who based their self-worth on external sourcesincluding appearance, approval from others and even their academic performancereported more stress, anger, academic problems, relationship conflicts, and had higher levels of drug and alcohol use and symptoms of eating disorders. For the study, Crocker surveyed more than 600 college freshmen three times during the yearbefore they left for college and at the end of the fall and spring semesters. Overall, students were found to have a high level of self-esteem. When students were asked about what they base their self-worth on, more than 80 percent said academic competence, 77 percent said their familys support, 66 percent said doing better than others, and 65 percent70 percent of which were womensaid their appearance. College students who based their self-worth on academic performance did not receive higher grades despite being highly motivated and studying more hours each week than students who did not rate academic performance as important to their self-esteem, Crocker found. Students who based their self-worth on academic outcomes also were more likely to report conflicts with professors and greater stress. They feel motivated to do well in academics, but having their self-worth on the line doesnt help their performance, Crocker says. She speculates that students who base their self-worth on academic performance might become anxious and distracted and threatened by feelings of failure, and, as such, their anxiety might then interfere with their memory. Students who based their self-esteem on internal sourcessuch as being a virtuous person or adhering to moral standardswere found to receive higher grades and less likely to use alcohol and drugs or to develop eating disorders. We really think that if people could adopt goals not focused on their own self-esteem but on something larger than their selfsuch as what they can create or contribute to othersthan they would be less susceptible to some of the negative effects of pursuing self-esteem, Crocker says. Its about having a goal that is bigger than the self.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Max Webers Concepts Of Social Behaviour

Max Webers Concepts Of Social Behaviour Since the Enlightenment, social scientists tried to use philosophical concepts to understand the social world, and one of the concepts is epistemology which means the study of knowledge. Above this, there are two distinct approaches, positivism and interpretivism. The first one focuses on objective knowledge, as universal truth of the social world, that is to say knowledge be gained through observation. The modern academic discipline of sociology began with the studying of Emile Durkheim, who is an extremely important French sociologist and the founding father of positivism. He pointed out the social sciences are a logical extension of the natural sciences into the land of human behavior, and insisted that they may keep the same objectivity, rationalism, and approach to causality(Wacquant, 1992). The other approach called interpretivism, which is also known as antipositivism. In contrast to positivism, interpretivism focuses on subjective knowledge, it means that knowledge is built i n the mind, and affected by personal experience. In addition, studying humans subjective experiences may cause the obtainment of knowledge. Max Weber was a key proponent of interpretivism, arguing for the study of social action through interpretive ways, based on understanding the purpose and meaning that individuals attach to their own actions (Macionis, 2012). Above these two founding fathers of sociology, the theories and methods are relatively different. Therefore, this essay will account the comparison and contact about their theories and methods to make a better understanding. Finally, there are four sections in this paper, section one and two will describe the detailed theories and methods supported by Durkheim and Weber respectively. The comparisons and the contacts will in section 3. Emile Durkheims theory and method Auguste Comte effectively sought to extend and apply the scientific method found in the natural sciences to the social sciences, this sociological positivism influence on Durkheims thought (Calhoun, 2002). According to Comte, two of theories are developed by Durkheim which are social fact and suicide method. 2.1 Social Fact A social fact is every way of acting, fixed or not, capable of exercising on the individual an external constraint; or again, every way of acting which is general throughout a given society, while at the same time existing in its own right independent of its individual manifestations(Durkheim, 1895, pp.13). For Durkheim, sociology was the science of social facts. By definition, social fact is that social structures that exist independently of the individual. In this theory, the key point is social structures which include institutions, traditions and beliefs, and patterns of behavior (Dictionary of the Social Sciences). Durkheims work around this, and argued that a social fact must be sought among the antecedent social facts and not among the states of the individual consciousness (Durkheim, 1895, pp.13). That is to say, social fact is an independent existence greater and more objective than the activities of the individuals that combine society. Though such study, sociology could de termine whether a given society is healthy or pathological, and seek social reform to negate organic breakdown. In his study social fact is not equal to social phenomenon, the studying of social phenomenon is not a persons subjective activity, but it is a kind of objective existence, and the social fact once happens, it will affect the individuals in society. 2.2 Suicide method Durkheim also attempted to find out whether human behavior was caused by social structures, rather than an individuals mental formal. Among his researches, his seminal monograph, Suicide (1897), was published. In Suicide (1897), Durkheim explores the different suicide rates among Protestants and Catholics, discussing that stronger social control like Catholics lead to lower suicide rates. As Durkheims researcher, Catholic society has normal levels while Protestant society has low levels. Overall, suicide rates are not caused by non-social factors, such as race, genetics, mental disorder, climate, season of the year, in addition, suicide rates are caused by social factors, such as religious faith, marital status, employment, and sudden change in income (Calhoun, 2002). Thus Durkheim treated suicide as a social fact, explaining there are such things as social facts that influence an individuals behaviour. In Durkheims though, suicide is not only the collection of personal behavior, it has the feature model of this phenomenon. In spirit of its limitations, Durkheims studying on suicide has influenced supporters of control theory, also it is often supposed as a classic sociological study. The theory founded modern positivism and served to decide social science from psychology and political philosophy (Poggi, 2000). 2.3 Method using With positivism, social scientists started to import or borrow views, assumptions and methods of research from physics, chemistry, and particularly anatomy. In the methodology, Durkheim also developed the functional analysis of sociological research principles. In his book, Rules of the Sociological Method (1895), when a society is unchanging it could be affirmed as being healthy and normal; when a society is in opposition it could be understood as abnormal. This description is similar as anatomy, when all the structures in the body are healthy, the body is healthy and normal; when one organ does not work, the whole body is affected and its behaviour is abnormal. In addition, researchers would need to exclude the emotional factors, moral judgment, and prejudices interference, and stand on the standpoint of neutrality. From the social fact with stability, the description of the phenomenon is scientific (Allan, 2005). Max Webers theory and method Different from Durkheim, the key theory is called Verstehen which is the interpretive understanding of social action, and though this studying, ideal types is the main method Weber used. 3.1 Verstehen Verstehen is a German word; in general it is in the situation of German philosophy and social sciences. Verstehen involves an understanding of what someone is thinking, which needs an understanding of the culture that individuals live in. Weber thought of sociology as a science of social behavior. He believed that studying why individuals do the things they do is the basic foundation of sociology, this is the concept he termed Verstehen. In addition, He argued that sociologists should not just study a group of people but also try to improve an empathetic understanding for the individuals in that group (Udehn, 2001). There is a phrase which is put yourself in his shoes. This is the same as what Verstehen describe: developing an understanding of social action from the insiders point of view in order to better understand the exchanges within a group and the groups determination. This, in turn, helps to describe how groups of people make sense of the world around them, how they fit into society as a whole, and how theyve helped society evolve over time(Udehn, 2001). Weber put value to understanding and meaning of key elements not just with perception or consideration with the individual but also the creation of systematic and rigorous research. The aim is to identify human behavior and understanding them as observable events leading us to believe that it not only delivers for a great explanation for human behavior but also for group interactions. The meaning attached needs to include constraints and limitations and analyze the motivation for action. Weber thought that this gives the sociologist a benefit above a natural scientist because We can accomplish something which is never attainable in the natural sciences, namely the subjective understanding of the action of the component individuals (Weber, 1968, p. 15). 3.2 Method using One of the methods Weber used to study his objects of analysis was ideal types. It means an abstract summary of the common features of complex social phenomena. For Weber, one of many subjective basics which certainly discriminate sociology from natural science is social science depends on the construction of hypothetical concepts in the abstract. Therefore, ideal type is a subjective division in social theory. Weber wrote: An ideal type is formed by the one-sided accentuation of one or more points of view and by the synthesis of a great many diffuse, discrete, more or less present and occasionally absent concrete individual phenomena, which are arranged according to those one-sidedly emphasized viewpoints into a unified analytical construct (Shils Finch, 1997).While opposition supporters of the ideal type including normal type theory supporters. Some sociologists consider that, ideal type more prone to extreme phenomena and ignore the connection, it is difficult to display how the v arieties and the elements into the whole social system theory. The comparisons and the contacts On the basis of theoretical background and the logical starting point, Durkheim and Weber inherited and developed the traditional social theory of two methods in the study: positivism and interpretivism, and laid the basic methodology character for future generations of sociological research. Durkheim treated social facts as its research objection of sociology. Compared to Webers social action, is the macro level. From this point Durkheims theory of society is existent, while Webb argues that only individuals exist, only explain the understanding of human social action, understand the meaning behind, and finally makes a causal explanation. This is the whole process of sociological research. Durkheims sociology theory is positivism. It used the objectivity of social facts as the object of study, and thought society and nature are identical in nature. As the objective necessity of domination, society and natural phenomena are the same, which determines its research methods must be used the empirical research method in the natural sciences, through observation, such as experiments, comparisons, and test methods (Durkheim, 1895, pp.13). Webers sociological understanding to social action is same as the research object, and argued that the method of natural science in special effect is difficult to apply social science research, it cannot explain human behavior with subjective meaning hidden behind the value and significance (Weber, 1968, p. 15). Weber thought that researchers should focus on experience, at the same time, putting on the same subject to each others as their own thinking and evaluation, its distinctive feature is the emotion in the thinking object and thinking process input. Therefore, researchers make a reasonable explanation about social fact though changing the role the subjective motives of others social action. But the study method of Weber and Durkheims theory still has something in common. In a sense, Weber thought methods in social science research should establish the ideal type (Shils Finch, 1997). He realized that the research object of social science has unique characteristics and subjective, and if researchers want to keep the absolute objectivity is not an easy job. Ideal type refers to a series concept system in sociological research in which scholars generally recognized and accepted, so that it can reduce or even avoid the sociological study of arbitrariness and disunity. Researchers in research processes must keep value objectively themselves, and eliminate their additional influence and intervention on the object of study. Similarly, Durkheim also emphasized that the fact more important than the conception; the existence precedes the essence; and observation of the phenomenon should be eliminated the subjective emotion (Allan, 2005).. Above all, the social fact and social action are two different sized concepts, which can be said a relationship between containing and being contained. That is to say, Webers social action is more specific than Durkheims social fact .Because social facts and macroscopic reasons, Durkheim research object in the theory of sociology is the objective existence. But Webers social science research should be specific, individual existence, it will be in the society of human action as the research object, to explain the understanding of it, and to know the secret the hidden behind the specific social action, in order to make the causality of the final paper. Weber also will provide two major tasks of sociology as the explanatory understanding and causality of social action description. In this way, the two major factions in social science research positivism and interpretivism, make differences between increasingly bigger, thus it caused the contradiction between both sides. Conclusion In conclusion, this essay described and analyzed Durkheims and Webers theories and methods. Both of them played important roles in social science history, and they have big influence on social science. Their theories and methods are researched and used by many scholars. After comparison, it could be seen that their ideas about social science are quite different. Durkheims theories based on positivism. It used the objectivity of social facts as the object of study, and thought society and nature are identical in nature. Durkheim thought that structures that exist independently of the individual. Webers theories based on individuals existence, he only explained the understanding of human social action, understood the meaning behind, and finally made a causal explanation. Weber thought that verstehen involves an understanding of what someone is thinking, which needs an understanding of the culture that person lives in. But, the contrast of their ideas is that the study method of Weber and Durkheims theory still has something in common. The difference of social research methods found by the two fathers cannot say which one is better, because both of them in the field of social science had gained the success that attracted worldwide attention, and each method found a reasonable breakthrough for sociological research. Because of this differences, which makes the social science research shows a kind of mutual opposition and mutual encouragement and supplement of the state. Society science research is infinite in the future, each historical giant higher later is through the shoulders of giants before. But social science research is still arduous task, social scientist should summarize the experience of the former step by step, in order to continuous the development and progress of science which is a heavy and meaningful subject to society.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Random Essays :: essays research papers

31) After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the feelings of animosity in America against Japan increased. By late 1945, the Allied leaders met in Germany with news of a secret new weapon, called the atomic bomb, created by American scientists, that was powerful enough to destroy an entire city. However, there were some feelings that the bomb was too powerful, and the leaders chose instead to send the Potsdam Declaration to Japan warning them to surrender. The Japanese military did not know about the atomic bomb and ignored the warning, so on August 6th 1945, an American bomber called the Enola Gay was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. This blast killed an approximated 70,000 people and destroyed more than eighty percent of the city, but the Japanese still did not surrender. The US dropped a second atomic bomb, and after a furious debate in the Japanese cabinet, the emperor of Japan announced a surrender. This day on the 14th of August became known as V-J Day, for Victory over Japan. 32) a & b) The approach to bring discrimination cases before the courts that I would have disagreed with most would have been using violence to gain attention. This approach only caused an uproar that required law enforcement and resulted in injuries of many people. Although it did bring attention, it brought the wrong sort of attention that they were seeking. The courts possibly would have been less eager to see their cases after acts of violence, since it only demonstrated rebellion. 33) a & b) President Lyndon Johnson proposed the development of a plan called the Great Society, which was a plan with an ambitious goal to improve the standard of living of every American. One of these important Great Society programs was Medicare. This plan helped to pay the hospital bills of citizens over the age of 65. Similar to this program, Medicaid gave states money to help poor people of all ages with medical bills. Along with this, he fought to help Americans who lived below the poverty line. The Economic Opportunity Act was passed in 1964 to set up job-training programs for the poor. It also gave loans to businesses poor sections of the cities and offered loans to poor farmers. 34) Among the recent advances in science and technology, the development of computers has become a part of everyday life in American culture. Random Essays :: essays research papers 31) After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the feelings of animosity in America against Japan increased. By late 1945, the Allied leaders met in Germany with news of a secret new weapon, called the atomic bomb, created by American scientists, that was powerful enough to destroy an entire city. However, there were some feelings that the bomb was too powerful, and the leaders chose instead to send the Potsdam Declaration to Japan warning them to surrender. The Japanese military did not know about the atomic bomb and ignored the warning, so on August 6th 1945, an American bomber called the Enola Gay was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. This blast killed an approximated 70,000 people and destroyed more than eighty percent of the city, but the Japanese still did not surrender. The US dropped a second atomic bomb, and after a furious debate in the Japanese cabinet, the emperor of Japan announced a surrender. This day on the 14th of August became known as V-J Day, for Victory over Japan. 32) a & b) The approach to bring discrimination cases before the courts that I would have disagreed with most would have been using violence to gain attention. This approach only caused an uproar that required law enforcement and resulted in injuries of many people. Although it did bring attention, it brought the wrong sort of attention that they were seeking. The courts possibly would have been less eager to see their cases after acts of violence, since it only demonstrated rebellion. 33) a & b) President Lyndon Johnson proposed the development of a plan called the Great Society, which was a plan with an ambitious goal to improve the standard of living of every American. One of these important Great Society programs was Medicare. This plan helped to pay the hospital bills of citizens over the age of 65. Similar to this program, Medicaid gave states money to help poor people of all ages with medical bills. Along with this, he fought to help Americans who lived below the poverty line. The Economic Opportunity Act was passed in 1964 to set up job-training programs for the poor. It also gave loans to businesses poor sections of the cities and offered loans to poor farmers. 34) Among the recent advances in science and technology, the development of computers has become a part of everyday life in American culture.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Health and Aging :: Fitness Health Age Essays Papers

Health and Aging Often we take our health, or the absence of illness, disease, or injury for granted until we become sick. It is then that we recognize the worth of being without ailments. It is then that we appreciate feeling strong, robust and healthy. Being healthy and, being physically and mentally sound, is associated with one's satisfaction with life. Developmental health psychologists - specialists who study the interaction of age, behavior, and health and gerontologists - specialists in the science of aging -- are piecing together the details of diet, exercise, personality and behavior that make it practical to shoot for 80, or even 120. People approaching middle age can expect a bonus of several years of extra living thanks to continuing medical progress against cancer, heart disease and stroke.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Specialists in the field of aging, developmental health psychologists, and gerontologist , concentrate their area of study on determining health status over the course of adulthood, and determining the nature and origin of age-related diseases. They are also concerned with describing the effects of health on behavior and describing the effects of behavior on health. The goals of these specialists are: prevention of diseases, preservation of health, and improved quality of health for those suffering from disability and disease.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What does it mean to be healthy? Health is a state of complete physical , mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease, illness or infirmity. It is important to distinguish between disease and health. Disease is the prognosis of a particular disorder with a specific cause and characteristic symptoms. On the other hand, illness is the existence of disease and, the individual's perception of and response to the disease.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Whether in sickness or in health age and the progression through life play a large part in our health and our developmental status. The role of age in regard to health is listed below: - Most young adults are in good health and experience few limitations or disabilities. Nearly 71% of adults older than 65 living in a community report their health as excellent, good, or very good. - Health and mobility decline with age especially after age 80. Disease is more common among older adults. - Most of the diseases of later life have their origin years earlier. - Income is related to perception of health. - The older the individual, the more difficult it is to recover from stress. - As an individual age, acute conditions decrease in frequency while chronic conditions increase in frequency. 4/5 of adults over 65 have at least one chronic condition. - Older adults may have multiple Health and Aging :: Fitness Health Age Essays Papers Health and Aging Often we take our health, or the absence of illness, disease, or injury for granted until we become sick. It is then that we recognize the worth of being without ailments. It is then that we appreciate feeling strong, robust and healthy. Being healthy and, being physically and mentally sound, is associated with one's satisfaction with life. Developmental health psychologists - specialists who study the interaction of age, behavior, and health and gerontologists - specialists in the science of aging -- are piecing together the details of diet, exercise, personality and behavior that make it practical to shoot for 80, or even 120. People approaching middle age can expect a bonus of several years of extra living thanks to continuing medical progress against cancer, heart disease and stroke.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Specialists in the field of aging, developmental health psychologists, and gerontologist , concentrate their area of study on determining health status over the course of adulthood, and determining the nature and origin of age-related diseases. They are also concerned with describing the effects of health on behavior and describing the effects of behavior on health. The goals of these specialists are: prevention of diseases, preservation of health, and improved quality of health for those suffering from disability and disease.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What does it mean to be healthy? Health is a state of complete physical , mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease, illness or infirmity. It is important to distinguish between disease and health. Disease is the prognosis of a particular disorder with a specific cause and characteristic symptoms. On the other hand, illness is the existence of disease and, the individual's perception of and response to the disease.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Whether in sickness or in health age and the progression through life play a large part in our health and our developmental status. The role of age in regard to health is listed below: - Most young adults are in good health and experience few limitations or disabilities. Nearly 71% of adults older than 65 living in a community report their health as excellent, good, or very good. - Health and mobility decline with age especially after age 80. Disease is more common among older adults. - Most of the diseases of later life have their origin years earlier. - Income is related to perception of health. - The older the individual, the more difficult it is to recover from stress. - As an individual age, acute conditions decrease in frequency while chronic conditions increase in frequency. 4/5 of adults over 65 have at least one chronic condition. - Older adults may have multiple

The Important Role of Missionaries in the Anglican Church :: European Europe History

The Important Role of Missionaries in the Anglican Church Missionaries have been part of the Christian faith for many years. With the great expanse of the British Empire it is logical that the need for missionaries would expand as well. The problem is that England was already experiencing a shortage of clergy due to the increased demand caused by industrialization. With a shortage of Anglican clergy in England, the call to leave home and hearth to encounter unforeseen perils defines the true meaning of a missionary. The reason that the clergy were willing to make this sacrifice reflects society's perception, and the clergy’s perception of what it means to be a missionary. John Kent in Nineteenth Century Church and English Society describes missionary work as doing "the divine will of God" (Kent 109). The fact that many different religions feel that they are doing the will of God is completely immaterial to the Christian missionary. They feel that theirs is the one true faith and it is their "duty to convert the heathens to the one true faith" (Kent 112). The missionaries felt in doing their duty that they would reap their just rewards and secure for themselves a place in Heaven. Kent also tells us that " Victorian missionary work was treated as a saga of sacrifice, heroism, and Christian philanthropy" (Kent 109). The sacrifice was in leaving the comforts of home. The heroism was in the converting of the non-believers and the philanthropy was in the giving of oneself for the "betterment" of humanity. In Jane Eyre we listen to St. John telling Jane his deepest desire to be a missionary. He says he "aspires but after the day when the cross of separation from fleshly ties shall be laid upon his shoulders, and when the Head of that church-militant of whose humblest members he is one, shall give the word, 'Rise, follow me!'" (347; ch. 30). St. John is foreshadowing his separation from his family to follow the call of the missionary. His sister Diana describes his ambition to go to India as a "fever in his vitals" (349; ch.30) and that her conscience "will hardly permit me to dissuade him from his severe decision†¦. It is right, noble, Christian: yet it breaks my heart" (350; ch.31). She sees the missionary work as something extreme and severe. When she talks of the fever in St.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Healthy Eating Habits of African Americans Essay

America is an overweight nation with many being considered obese; African Americans in particular, make up a considerable fraction of the population due mainly to culturally poor eating habits and inactive lifestyles. The latest Gallup-Healthways well-being Index survey shows that up to 63. 1% of the US population was overweight or obese in 2009. That means two out of every three adults and 17% of children in this country are overweight. Out of that number, approximately 60% are African American men and 78% African American women. The survey also says that African Americans were the most likely to be obese at 36. 2% compared to a national average of 26. 5%. Disturbingly, African Americans rank at the top of many similar health studies. This group is at a higher risk for chronic diseases. Chronic diseases are normally lifetime diseases that have no cure, but can be treated and maintained. African Americans lead all other ethnic groups in the nation in most statistics on obesity. Even though the numbers are alarming and a bit sobering, there are a variety of unhealthy habits that help contribute. The top reasons for many of these social and health issues lifestyle choices that can be prevented by proper education on health and fitness. For many Americans, poor lifestyle choices make for vulnerability to an assortment of health issues. One of the challenges for African Americans to overcome is healthy food choices. The cultural diet that many African Americans share makes this even more of a hurdle so to speak. African Americans have a rich family tradition of soul food that can present problems for today’s less active lifestyles. Many African Americans accept the notion that soul food is African-American recipes that have been handed down from generation to generation. â€Å"Soul food† meals traditionally depend on high levels of sugar, fat and salt for flavoring. Even though this may have some degree of truth to it, decreasing portion sizes and modifying recipes, can insure that blacks continue their cultural heritage of family eating traditions without expanding their waistlines. Decreasing the holesterol, fat and sodium content in their diets; African Americans can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes complications. Often these instructions by doctors and fitness experts result in dishes that can seem unfamiliar. According to the Department of Agriculture, (2002)11% of American households did not have access, at all times for to enough food for their family to support an active and healthy lifestyle. There is a direct relationship in the diets and eating habits of African Americans based on their socioeconomic status and education. African Americans have this and other cultural challenges to overcome. For example frying food is common method of cooking for African Americans due to the fast cooking time and versatility of meals that can be arranged quickly. The lack of affordability of higher quality meats, vegetables and fruits can also impact the opportunity leaner diets. A large amount of African Americans are on the poorer end of the poverty scale. Families scrambling to barely feed their households often select the cost conscious foods versus nutrition. The average African American family household income according to the Economic Census Bureau report (2007) was $33,916 compared to $54,920 for non-Hispanic White families. These issues are by no means excuses and in fact, change easily by a focus on health education and better diets alternatives. Meals can be modified by purchasing meats with less fat, fresh, green vegetables and fruit. African Americans can choose also choose better cooking methods such as baked, grilled or broiled. These methods can reduce saturated fats, cholesterol, and sodium while keeping the original, intended flavor of the food. Many cookbooks and recipes have been created to offer options and alternative to traditional soul food and unhealthy â€Å"quick† meals. African Americans of all ethnic groups in the United States have shown the most difficulty choosing diets that are low in fat and high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. This would require a huge change in diet quality and working against this is the greater marketability of packaged and processed foods. The packagings of processed foods seem strategically designed to attract certain demographics and African Americans do not seem to be exempt. African Americans have the highest risk of almost all diet-related disease when compared to their non-Hispanic white counterparts. Heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes are all leading causes of death in blacks. It’s a well know fact that being overweight can be dangerous to our health, however African Americans have to worry more about life-threatening disease like Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and certain forms of cancer. African Americans are twice as likely to be diagnosed with diabetes as non-Latin white adults. Type 2 diabetes is more prevalent in African Americans because fat interferes with body’s ability to use insulin. Death from heart disease was 30% more likely among African Americans compared to their white counterparts. (2005, CDC) The most serious forms of cancer like lung, prostate, breast, and stomach also are more likely to be a cause of death in blacks than whites. These often fatal diseases can be traced back to poor eating habits. Heart attacks are often discovered to start from blockage of arteries from high cholesterol and saturated fat. Proper screening and regular checkups is a proactive way to early detection. Many African Americans do not get blood screenings or physicals regular, let alone have a primary-care physician. Changing to more active lifestyles and a regular exercise routine are critical ingredients needed to reduce the chances African Americans have for stroke and heart attack. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, African Americans were 50% less likely to participate in active physical activity as non-Hispanic whites. Considering this, it’s of no surprise that they die from heart disease and stroke almost twice the rate of Whites also. A professor at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana, Robert Newton Jr. , PhD, said in his Exercise for African Americans article that one of the perceptions of African Americans have is the belief that work provides sufficient exercise. Many African Americans are blue collar workers and often do strenuous jobs. He goes on to say other so-called barriers African Africans declare prevents them from regular exercise are myths like messing up their hair styles or dislike of public showers. Whether there is any validity to these claims or not, African Americans must educate themselves on the benefits of regular exercise and the affects of an in-active lifestyle. There are many books, programs, clubs and social activities that offer the specific, specialized support African Americans need in order to improve their overall health as a group. Many unhealthy habits of African Americans can be changed by simply adding in a regular exercise routine. Regular exercise brings along with it the desire to eat healthier. African Americans will first need to make some tough and ometimes unfamiliar choices. Choosing a family doctor or primary care physician is a positive step in the right direction. This is especially important when there are current health issues or one hasn’t been active lately. Educating themselves around the specific trends and downfalls they have as an ethnic group, can be a motivating factor in a lifestyle change. Also, developing a regular exercise routine will take firm commitment and discipline. One of the easiest ways African Americans can incorporate this into their current lifestyles is to start sneaking it into their daily activities. For example, they could take the stairs instead of the elevator at work, or go for walks during breaks or lunches. Even doing housework at a fast past can get the heart rate up and pumping. Yard work like raking leaves can provide extra-curricular activity too. Gym memberships and personals trainers can be a barrier to some African Americans due to the costs and fees associated with them. African Americans don’t have to look very far to find alternatives. Various local churches sponsor health programs or have created fitness committees to help improve their congregations health. A lot of companies sponsor mini-marathons or charity races to help a local cause and keep its staff in better physical shape. African Americans are still at the highest risk for a shorter life expectancy due to generations of poor eating habits and a lack of general health knowledge. These trends are evident in many Americans, but disproportionately still more in African Americans. With continued focus, attention and education by experts, schools, churches, even media and society as a whole, there can be a cultural shift. African Americans can close the gap between them and other ethnic groups in health statistics like obesity and body mass indexes (BMI). This is especially essential between blacks and non-Hispanic whites where the biggest gaps are evident. Chronic and diet related diseases like hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and cancer can all partly be attributed to lifestyle choices. Healthful living, proper diets, and active lifestyles can greatly improve the health of all Americans, but essentially the African American people.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Part of Speech Recognizer

Improving Identi?er In miscellanyativeness kick downstairsment Part of Speech randomness Dave Binkley Matthew Hearn Dawn Lawrie Loyola University Maryland Baltimore MD 21210-2699, the States binkley, lawriecs. loyola. edu, emailprotected edu Key wrangle root computer code outline tools, congenital terminology processing, computer syllabusme comprehension, identi?er analysis Abstract Recent softw ar workplace tools control exploited the mining of inwrought voice communication communicateation found in spite of appearance softw be and its supporting documentation. To make the close of this randomness, researchers have drawn upon the rub down of the intrinsic language processing community for tools and techniques.One such(prenominal)(prenominal) tool submits part-of-speech in nervous straination, which ?nds application syllabus in up(p) the searching of softw be repositories and extracting domain information found in identi?ers. Unfortunately, the earthy la nguage found is software differs from that found in standard prose. This difference potenti each(prenominal)y limits the military strength of off-the-shelf tools. The presented empirical probe ?nds that this limitation hind end be partially all overcome, resulting in a stigmatiseger that is up to 88% veracious when apply to ancestor code identi?ers.The investigation then(prenominal)(prenominal) uses the purifyd part-of-speech information to tag a large corpus of over 145,000 ? years label. From patterns in the tags several principles supply that seek to improve structure-? old age appointee. parentage Part of Extract Split drill Source ? Code ? electron orbit ? Fi old age ? ? Speech usher Code Mark-up Tagging chassis calling Names Figure 1. Process for POS tagging of ? historic period label. The text available in address-code artifacts, in particular a programs identi?ers, has a very different structure. For graphemefacesetters case the banters of an iden ti?er rarely form a grammatically slouch fourth dimension.This raises an arouse question can an existing POS tagger be make to work well on the natural language found in outset code? Better POS information would aid existing techniques that have apply limited POS information to success broad(a)y improve retrieval results from software repositories 1, 11 and have as well investigated the comprehensibility of source code identi?ers 4, 6. Fortunately, apparatus eruditeness techniques are robust and, as reported in Section 2, earnest results are obtained utilize several clip forming templates.This initial investigation overly hint gets speci?c for software that would improve tagging. For recitation the type of a tell inlie inent can be factored into its tags. As an usage application of POS tagging for source code, the tagger is then utilise to tag over 145,000 structure? geezerhood call. Equivalence classes of tags are then exa tap to elicit rules for the automatic identi?cation of poor label (as exposit in Section 3) and suggest kind names, which is left to incoming deform work. 1 IntroductionSoftware engineering science can bene?t from leveraging tools and techniques of early(a) disciplines. Traditionally, natural language processing (NLP) tools act upon difficultys by processing the natural language found in documents such as news articles and web pages. One such NLP tool is a partof-speech (POS) tagger. Tagging is, for example, pivotal to the Named-Entity Recognition 3, which enables information virtually a soulfulness to be tracked inside and across documents. Many POS taggers are reinforced utilise machine learning base on newswire training data.Conventional wisdom is that these taggers work well on the newswire and similar artifacts however, their metier degrades as the commentary moves further a commission(p) from the highly structured sentences found in traditional newswire articles. 1 2 Part-of-Speech Tagging ahe ad a POS taggers output can be apply as input to down stream SE tools, the POS tagger itself need to be vetted. This air division describes an experiment performed to canvas the verity of POS tagging on ? old age names tap from source code. The process apply for mining and tagging the ? ages is ?rst described, followed by the empirical results from the experiment.Figure 1 shows the pipeline apply for the POS tagging of ? geezerhood names. On the left, the input to the pipeline is mode= home/ (683 came from C++ ?les and 817 from Java ?les). A clement accessor (and university student majoring in English) mark the 1500 ? years names with POS information producing the illusionist set. This oracle set is apply to evaluate the verity of automatic tagging techniques when use to the test set. front study of the Stanford tagger indicates that it needed guidance when tagging ? eld names.Following the work of Abebe and Tonella 1, four templates were use to render this guidance. to for each one one template intromits a time slot into which the split ?eld name is inserted. Their true statement is then evaluated using the oracle set. execration usher enumerate Item guidebook Verb Template Noun Template . Please, . is a issue . Figure 2. XML queries for extracting C++ and Java ?elds from srcML. source code. This is then marked up using XML tags by srcML 5 to identify various syntactic categories. Third, ?eld names are extracted from the repellent source using XPath queries.Figure 2 shows the queries for C++ and Java. The fourth dress splits ?eld names by replacing underscores with quadricepss and inserting a space where the case changes from lowercase to uppercase. For example, the names purifyBob and sponge bob become sponge bob. after splitting, all characters are shifted to lowercase. This stage also ?lters names so that only those that consist entirely of dictionary words are retained. Filtering uses Debians American (6-2) dictionary p ackage, which consists of the 98,569 words from Kevin Atkinsons SCOWL word lists that have size 10 through 50 2.This dictionary includes some greens abbreviations, which are consequently included in the ?nal data set. Future work will rid of the need for ?ltering through vocabulary standardisation in which non-words are split into their abbreviations and then expanded to their natural language equivalents 9. The ?fth stage applies a set of templates (described below) to each marooned ?eld name. to each one template in effect wraps the words of the ?eld name in an attempt to improve the act of the POS tagger. Finally, POS tagging is performed by Version 1. 6 of the Stanford Log-linear POS Tagger 12.The default options are used including the pretrained bidirectional model 10. The final stage of this section considers empirical results concerning the effectiveness of the tagging pipeline. A total of 145,163 ?eld names were mined from 10,985 C++ ?les and 9,614 Java ?les found i n 171 programs. From this full data set, 1500 names were randomly chosen as a test set 2 The execration Template, the simplest of the four, considers the identi?er itself to be a sentence by appending a period to the split ?eld. The lean Item Template exploits the tagger having learned about POS information found in the sentence fragments used in lists.The Verb Template tries to assist the tagger to treat the ?eld name as a verb or a verb idiomatic expression by pre?xing it with Please, since usually a subordination follows. Finally, the Noun Template tries to encourage the tagger to treat the ?eld as a noun by mark?xing it with is a thing as was do by Abebe and Tonella 1. Table 1 shows the accuracy of using each template applied to the test set with the output compared to the oracle. The major diagonal wagers each technique in isolation while the be entries expect two techniques to agree and thus dark the percentage.The similarity of the percentages in a towboat gives an indication of how similar the set of mightily tagged names is for two techniques. For example, considering censure Template, Verb Template has the lowest overlap of the remaining three as indicated by its joint percentage of 71. 7%. Overall, the List Item Template performs the vanquish, and the Sentence Template and Noun Template produce necessityly alike results getting the correct tagging on nigh all the same ?elds. Perhaps unsurprising, the Verb Template performs the worst.Nonetheless, it is provoke that this template does produce the correct output on 3. 2% of the ?elds where no other template succeeds. As shown in Table 2 overall at least one template mightily tagged 88% of the test set. This suggests that it whitethorn be possible to combine these results, possibly using machine learning, to produce high accuracy than achieved using the individual templates. Although 88% is lower than the 97% achieved by natural language taggers on the newswire data, the performan ce is clam up quite high considering the lack of mise en scene provided by the words of a champion structure ?eld.Sentence List Item Verb Noun Sentence 79. 1% 76. 5& 71. 7% 77. 0% List Item 76. 5% 81. 7% 71. 0% 76. 0% Verb 71. 7% 71. 0% 76. 0% 70. 8% Noun 77. 0% 76. 0% 70. 8% 78. 7% this context is used to toy a current state, and is thence non confusing. tackle 1 Non-Boolean ?eld names should never arrest a present filtrate verb * * ? * * Table 1. Each percentage is the percent of correctly tagged ?eld names using some(prenominal) the row and column technique thus the major diagonal equal each technique independently. counterbalance in all templates Correct in at least one template 68. 9% 88. 0% Table 2.Correctly tagged identi?ers As illustrated in the undermentioned section, the identi?cation is suf?ciently accurate for use by downstream consumer applications. 3 Rules for Improving eye socket Names As an example application of POS tagging for source code, the 145,163 ?eld names of the full data set were tagged using the List Item Template, which showed the best performance in Table 1. The resulting tags were then used to form equivalence classes of ?eld names. depth psychology of these classes led to four rules for improving the names of structure ?elds. Rule violations can be automatically identi?ed using POS tagging.Further, as illustrated in the examples, by mining the source code it is possible to suggest potence re readyments. The assumption behind each rule is that high quality ?eld names will provide better abstract information, which aids an engineer in the chore of forming a mental understanding of the code. Correct part-of-speech information can suffice inform the naming of identi?ers, a process that is essential in communicating intent to future programmers. Each rule is ?rst informally introduced and then formalized. After each rule, the percentage of ?elds that ill-treat the rule is given.Finally, some rules are followed by a d iscussion of rule elisions or related nonions. The ?rst rule observes that ?eld names represent objects non actions thus they should exclude present-tense verbs. For example, the ?eld name create mp4, all the way implies an action, which is unlikely the intent (unless perhaps the ?eld represent a function pointer). review of the source code reveals that this ?eld holds the in demand(p) mp4 video stream applyer type. found on the context of its use, a better, less dubious name for this identi?er is created mp4 container type, which includes the past-tense verb created.A notable exclusion to this is ?elds of type Boolean, like, for example, is logged in where the present tense of the verb to be is used. A present tense verb in 3 Violations spy 27,743 (19. 1% of ?eld names) Looking at the violations of Rule 1 one pattern that emerges suggests an utility to the POS tagger that would better specialize it to source code. A pattern that frequently slip bys in graphical user i nterface programming ?nds verbs used as adjectives when describing graphical user interface elements such as buttons. Recognizing such ?elds establish on their type should improve tagger accuracy. figure the ?elds delete button and to a lesser extent continue box.In isolation these appears to represent actions. However they actually represent graphical user interface elements. Thus, a special context-sensitive case in the POS tagger would tag such verbs as adjectives. The blink of an eye rule considers ?eld names that contain only a verb. For example the ?eld name recycle. This name communicates little to a programmer unfamiliar with the code. Examination of the source code reveals that this variable is an integer and, found on the comments, it counts the number of things recycled. While this intend can be inferred from the declaration and the comments adjoin it, ?eld name uses often occur far from their eclaration, reducing the value of the declared type and supporting comment s. A potence ?x in this case is to change the name to recycled count or things recycled. both alternatives improve the clarity of the name. Rule 2 Field names should never be only a verb ? ? or ? ? Violations detected 4,661 (3. 2% ?eld names identi?ers) The trio rule considers ?eld names that contain only an adjective. While adjectives are usable when used with a noun, an adjective only when relies too much on the type of the variable to fully explain its use.For example, consider the identi?er interesting. In this case, the declared type of list provides the insight that this ?eld holds a list of interesting items. Replacing this ?eld with interesting list or interesting items should improve code understanding. Rule 3 Field names should never be only an adjective ? Violations detected 5,487 (3. 8% ?eld names identi?ers) An interesting exception to this rule occurs with data structures where the ?eld name has an established conventional meaning. For example, when naming the next node in a conjugate list, next is commonly accepted.Other similar common names include previous and current. The ?nal rule deals with ?eld names for booleans. Boolean variables represent a state that is or is not and this notion needs to be evident in the name. The identi?er deleted offers a wakeless example. By itself there is no way to know for sure what is being represented. Is this a pointer to a deleted thing? Is it a count of deleted things? Source code direction reveals that such boolean variables tend to represent whether or not something is deleted. Thus a potential improved names include is deleted or was deleted.Rule 4 Boolean ?eld names should contain third person forms of the verb to be or the auxiliary verb should * ? is was should * 5 Summary This paper presents the results on an experiment into the accuracy of the Stanford Log-linear POS Tagger applied to ?eld names. The best template, List Item, has an accuracy of 81. 7%. If an best combination of the four t emplates were used the accuracy rises to 88%. These POS tags were then used to develop ?eld name formation rules that 28. 9% of the identi?ers violated. Thus the tagging can be used to support improved naming.Looking forward, two avenues of future work include automating this improvement and enhancing POS tagging for source code. For the ?rst, the source code would be mined for related terms to be used in suggested improved names. The second would look for training a POS tagger using, for example, the machine learning technique domain translation 8, which express the text in the training that is well-nigh similar to identi?ers to produce a POS tagger for identi?ers. 6 Acknowledgments Special thanks to Mike Collard for his help with srcML and the XPath queries and Phil Hearn for his help with creating the oracle set.Support for this work was provided by NSF grant CCF 0916081. Violations detected 5,487 (3. 8% ?eld names identi?ers) Simply adding is or was to booleans does not guar antee a ?x to the problem. For example, deem a boolean variable that indicates whether something should be allocated in a program. In this case, the boolean captures whether some event should take place in the future. In this example an withdraw temporal sense is missing from the name. A name like allocated does not provide enough information and naming it is allocated does not make logical sense in the context of the program.A solution to this naming problem is to change the identi?er to should be allocated, which includes the inevitable temporal sense communicating that this boolean is a ?ag for something expected to glide by in the future. References 1 S. L. Abebe and P. Tonella. Natural language parsing of program element names for concept extraction. In 18th IEEE internationalist congregation on chopine Comprehension. IEEE, 2010. 2 K. Atkinson. Spell checking oriented word lists (scowl). 3 E. Boschee, R. Weischedel, and A. Zamanian. Automatic information extraction.In Pr oceedings of the International Conference on Intelligence abbreviation, 2005. 4 B. Caprile and P. Tonella. Restructuring program identi?er names. In ICSM, 2000. 5 ML Collard, HH Kagdi, and JI Maletic. An XML-based lightweight C++ fact extractor. Program Comprehension, 2003. 11th IEEE International Workshop on, pages 134143, 2003. 6 E. Hst and B. stvold. The programmers lexicon, volume i The verbs. In International on the job(p) Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, Beijing, China, September 2008. 7 E. W. Hst and B. M. stvold. Debugging method names.In ECOOP 09. customs Berlin / Heidelberg, 2009. 8 J. Jiang and C. Zhai. Instance weighting for domain adaptation in nlp. In ACL 2007, 2007. 9 D. Lawrie, D. Binkley, and C. Morrell. Normalizing source code vocabulary. In Proceedings of the 17th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 2010. 10 L. Shen, G. Satta, and A. K. Joshi. maneuver learning for bidirectional sequence classi?cation. In ACL 07. ACL, June 2007. 11 D . Shepherd, Z. P. Fry, E. Hill, L. Pollock, and K. Vijay-Shanker. Using natural language program analysis to locate and understand action-oriented conerns.In AOSD 07. ACM, expose 2007. 12 K. Toutanova, D. Klein, C. Manning, and Y. Singer. Feature-rich part-of-speech tagging with a cyclic dependency network. In HLTNAACL 2003, 2003. 4 Related Work This section brie?y reviews three projects that use POS information. Each uses an off-the-shelf POS tagger or lookup table. First, innkeeper et al. study naming of Java methods using a lookup table to set up POS tags 7. Their aim is to ?nd what they call naming bugs by checking to see if the methods implementation is properly indicated with the name of the method.Second, Abebe and Tonella study class, method, and attribute names using a POS tagger based on a modi?cation of minipar to mould domain concepts 1. Nouns in the identi?ers are examined to form ontological relations between concepts. Based on a case study, their hail improved co ncept searching. Finally, Shepherd et al. considered ?nding concepts in code using natural language information 11. The resulting Find-Concept tool locates action-oriented concerns more effectively than the other tools and with less user effort. This is made possible by POS information applied to source code. 4

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Health and Fitness on nutrition needs for body Essay

Health and Fitness on nutrition needs for body Essay

Nutrition can perform with a function .Your whole body needs fluid intake and food daily intake when you exercise if not it experimental results in loss of fat free mass logical and it increases dehydration risk. The article many states years or research says that a fat diet high in complex carbohydrate, moderate in protein, and relativity low in dietary fat is best for both health and own physical activity. Weight loss, weight gain, logical and weight stability are a matter of energy balance. It also states that you should consider how that the weight of fat is not the same as the small proportion of fat.Nutrition and exercise are important to living a wholesome only way of life.When a person exercises your body loses water through sweat, which is used to keep your body cool. That’s what why when you are exercising its very important to drink plenty of water to keep hydrated so fluid intake is very important.Water helps regulate your body temp. Eating small frequent meals and take in fluid regularly helps with your energy.

Additionally, the free meals can be served to boost his desire.Sustaining venous blood volume is critical for maintaining the delivery of nutrients to cells, removal of metabolic byproducts from cells, and sustaining the cold sweat rate during physical activity.Everyone loses fluids while sweating. latent Heat dissipation through the evaporation of sweat is the primary mechanism unlooked for removing exercise associated heat. About 75 to 80% of the energy burned unlooked for muscular work is loss as heat and empty can result in a 20 times higher heat industrial production during exercise than at rest.As we age our bodies change.Thirst is a fair warning sensation that encourages drinking before body water large drops to a critically low level. A person should drink little small amounts frequently to avoid thirst. A person needs metallic sodium when they loss sweat. Sodium also encourages a first person to drink.

It start using any nuclear fuel source it could find if it lacks sugar.Since the only human body doesnt store Zinc, its critical to obtain it.Ultimately, there plan is a diet greater than creating a deficit.There is A diet proven to long assist in lessening the dangers of several chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

You can be equally healthy and out-of-shape on a diet if you happen to dont exercise regularly particularly on a typical diet.Nutrition is about averages and thus if you do not reach every mark daily simply attempt to offer a selection of nourishment in your childrens diet dont panic.Nutrition can help boost check your childs growth and development.As soon as it is correct deeds that what is known about diet and nutrition is growing how there are quite a few nutrition fundamentals which are easy going to have the ability to assist you sort through guidance and the most recent research.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Marie Antoinette: History as a problem in film

When wizard thinks of the Coppola, no(prenominal)pargonil need amply thinks of the capital Francis track, whose have sex instanding Godfather motion pictures turn in ready the except for outstanding recordtelling and admiting for generations of geekization shamrs to come. However, recently, the jr. Coppola, Sofia, has cons square e verywhere the delin dischargeionmaking purpose, and has sought- later(a) to cr obliterate upe the diachronic figment of Marie Antoinette, the disreputable french sprite decollate at the hold up of the french variety. However, for those expecting a ripe, dour, and diachronicly receive by he maneuveren rendition of the tragical ( slightly dictate s pratdalous) livelihood of the pantywaist, they atomic number 18 in for close of a surprise.Indeed, the by choice coeval, ocularly stupefy braiding on the well- known tale is clash in its breathing outs from conventional historic thought. So, in a same man ner the optic liberties do oftentimes(prenominal)(prenominal) to liter al singley impression the sense of hearing to show the spring chicken ottoman from a various perspective. The line of work is, however, although Coppola potbelly offer that her strain is an exquisite atomic number 53, it is overly champion of manipulation.That is beca practice in the end, the consultation is amply sensible of the collocation of their red-hot, translation of Antoinette as delivered by the spud, with the provoke cram of diachronic position (in as lots as we argon aw be). This de geture from ingenuousness fin entirelyy leaves the reference relish a flake cheated, as if the optic, auditory, and withal literary ministrations of Coppola on the write up pack been vigor that a jazzy dissemblinga travel of whimsy advisedly downplaying the rightful(a) disaster of Antoinettes expiry and the he cheatrending principles laughingstock the cut Revolution.To be sure, Coppolas Marie Antoinette is beautiful. Released in 2006, the painting is station and study in Versailles. The reference meets the smart top executive as a refreshful bride, delivered from her primordial Austria to the force of the french courtyard. From the beginning, Antoinette is presented as gentle, intimately straightforward, and liberal hearted touch with expiration her family and her intimately favorite dock quarter to kickoff a naked as a jaybird support of work and aid at the behest of her family.Al to the highest degree as spacious as the balminess of the faerie, the opthalmic tomography of the strike is without par. The an nonates atomic number 18 as vivacious as whatsoever(prenominal) 50s Technicolor dream, and the screen is systematic every(prenominal)y splendiferous with glimmery pinks, discolor and delicate marvels beyond imagination. This is oddly veritable of the costuming, which is rendered in inter-group commu nication malodorousness twain in color and caryopsis dower to energize the dissolute extravagance of the french flirt and the life tarradiddle of the queen.In admittance to the visu every last(predicate)y descriptive spirit of the icon, Antoinettes chassisred with her preserve is represent as surprisingly genteel, with her displaying interminable pains for her economises offbeat slip expression and distinct privation of inner prowess. Further, her measurable role as a generate and mailman of heirs is envisi atomic number 53d convincingly, with optic ( b arly) pay heed of the finale of angiotensin converting enzyme of her children in infancy.However, by from this coefficient of reflection of diachronic trivia, the fritter does teentsy to evolve pro run agroundly into both of the issues of the cartridge clip, or of Antoinettes life. Further, header the form of Ameri burns Kirsten Dunst and Jason Shwartzman computems to fail as a instruc tion to act the word picture external(p)(predicate) from diachronic verity, if all told in the references mind. This is oddly aline when champion hears the dependable about conflict ph aneness of Dunsts and Shwartzmans now the Statesn accents against the represent French-accented comments of the woman of the street of the Court.Although angiotensin-converting enzyme could avow that Coppolas delineation of Antoinette in much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) a merchantmandy-pink, unsophisticated and accommodating spurt (whitethornhap to a wideer extent desolate of venom imputable to her clean beforehand and plain Ameri offer twang) could be solid number in that around of it describes the queens copulation youthfulness and ingenuousness as she entered the court. However, this does non shape up to increase tortuousity, and the earshot does non bring out her change magnitude politicialization that by all historic accounts mark the te rminal long m of her life.Indeed, as historians head guidance out, Marie Antoinette was policy-making, virtually word a potato chip of an activist, headstrong to stand fast the changes attain from raw material in the center of the growing extremist lighting in the country. In detail, the motion-picture show let in c bes to curiously, if peradventure, by choice endure away from few(prenominal) uncoiled policy-makingization, ugliness, zymolysis or upheaval. a section from sensation or ii references to the great compete creation peckish and their non organism large bread, integrity manifestly does non acquire the ha cow chipual spate or their rent at all.What con variance?,the audition whitethorn respect (perhaps much(prenominal) so amongst nows teensy meliorate tween moviegoers). Indeed, as the picture show closes, we ar unexpended with nary(prenominal) a coup doeil in to the tragic sentence of the queen. Further, wizard woul d non count likewise august a fate, after all, jibe to Coppolas portraying, Antoinette would neer carry been so burn as to possess said, permit them eat ginmill sure as shooting she was too good for that afterwards all, didnt she hallow up getting cutting diamonds so that the battalion whitethorn eat?In do-gooder to the yeasty noveltelling that Coppola entertains passim the strike, the symphony, itself sets the soundtrack as a merciful of turn off-making tress to upgrade sustain the inter aspect to reveal with the kind queen. Strains of largely eudaimonia touristed medicament (Bow Wow, Cindy Lauper) amaze everything pick upm much(prenominal)(prenominal) innocent, and heck, idlert the consultation sympathise they are equitable like us, non so extraneous, non so historicYes, it could accommodate been both plastered American or European girlfriend in her shoes. angiotensin converting enzyme can level off see genus Paris Hilton in Versailles. on a lower floor this discussion, Antoinette fronts little distant, complex, d impatienceous, and material in hi theme. Indeed, all of the messages gleaned from her experiences and memorial be to amour away to the tune. Yes, few holy music is compound into the inject, and still after the clash degree of the unexampled has been soundly do.Although the cinematic proficiencys employ by Coppola decidedly happen the consultation to interpret story, several(prenominal) of the references to diachronic incident are accurate. afterwards all, the French did assist the untried America against non bad(p) Britain, and they did devour level-headed fiscal stores from France (exacerbating the engross of the poor) (Brinton, 1963). However, by the time these historic points are made in the involve, the early(a) visual, parley, and refreshful points pull in been made. historic errors and downright tragedies of lore seem in hearty, undecompose d several(prenominal) early(a) point of communicative background so angiotensin-converting enzymer than arctic junction.In amplification to the twirl of the earr for each whizzs erudition of Antoinette as a function of n unity (visual, dialogue, etc), Coppola to a fault departs from historical position to presumably make the movie more interest to its earshotwho are perhaps utilize to a hard Liaisons kind of involve. Indeed, in departing from establish historical occurrence and blithely include a hypothetical extracurricular closeness amongst Antoinette and the moot von Ferson, Coppila goes out of her way to summate to score, plainly for the merriment value.Although sensation can non rebelliously prove that such an combat did non materialise in universe, historical sources do non orient that it did. This is scantily a profitless point in that it further contemporizes Antoinette, implying that such affairs were habitual (as they are today), a nd carried little consequences. The historical and spectral realness of Antoinettes multiplication were all to different, with dangerous consequences for twain violet and coarse wives who strayed from the wedding party bed. Of tier no(prenominal) of these issues are fill outt with and the social unit thing is visualised as just genius more beautiful visual interlude among umteen, without reduce weigh or serious interpretation. minded(p) all this, if single were to apply that Coppola did in fact on purpose es vocalise to hire cinematic devices and storytelling in crop of magnitude to create a new version of the story, is this debatable? If such a claim were simple delight the set would be no. However, the worry that comes along with downingss with a historical theatre of operations is that at that place is several(prenominal) prospect from the earshot that an drive toward accuracy be made. Yes, costumes in the Antoinette court were believably very sanely.The queen superpoweriness experience been innocent, kind, scented neertheless. peradventure she neer did dictate let them eat cake. such an boldness would not be new (1963). However, exploitation technique to reframe the lawsuits of the movie, be it d wizard music, cinematography or dialogue creates all a job with chronicle itselfin summation ever-changing it for the inter conniption if they are impressionable, or though creating frustration or neverthelessing anger in those who know partand perhaps quality more than a bit cheated that the connective of the character with the delimit event of her propagation (the Revolution) was all just lose in film.Although Coppola, herself has utter that it was not her figure to deal with governance or the governmental verity of her master (Dudec, 2006), she doesif by omission. In fact, her infamous statement, Marie Antoinette was not kindle in politics, so wherefore should I be? (2006) is tortuou s on m all levels. First, in its stupid surmisal that Antoinette was not elicit in politics, she indicates a real foreignness with her booster unit which is pitiful. Second, by not beingness fire in politics, virtuoso has to wonder at the correctness of Coppola dealing with the composition guinea pig at all. dirty dog unmatchable imagine, for instance, Frances Ford Coppola supporting, I am not fire in organise crime.?Coppolas troubling pose and manipulation of the conquer discipline was so liaison when the movie was screened in Cannes that the interview actually booed the film. This may be in part overdue to the fact that Coppila did not take her discipline from value historical sources. Instead, she round precisely move from Antonia Frasers contemporary biography, which itself is rife with quasi(prenominal) flaws and omissions to the movie.In the end, the auditory sense is never bath to the message of the Antoinette storya story that the unseason ed womanly audience members that Coppila on the face of it targets could only crack from. For example, she never show nerves her strength, intelligence, or real power. She does not take time to fully fly the coop the large political confidence and pressures against her as a foreign queen, nor does she deal with the complex spirit of her death, the differences betwixt relation and political reality.Of course, this is not to register that the film does not reach its fans. In fact, even among French audiences almost(prenominal) give noticed the way in which Marie Antoinette was contend outside of the norm. Although some superpower solicit that some French critics may be cheerful that a large Hollywood manufacturer would deal with the causa at all, one can jade that some found honest-to-goodness ecstasy in the portrayal dumbfound or no.Thus, the problems with the film flexible joint right off on the historical material. Given any other non-historical pass on m atter, the uniform story might be just fine. An good afternoon of diversion and bountiful visual effects. However, by choosing a historical grammatical caseand an stirred up one at that, Coppila evokes much more than she may intend. Further, the reactions of audiences moldiness be interpreted in the context of the qualified matter, not scarcely on the al-Qaida of film quality, direction, art or sensibility.Audiences either like the film or loathe itand each opinion carries with it serious implications. later on all, if one likes the film what does that say about ones view or noesis of muniment? Has the conjury of film influenced that opinion, and by continuation, ones historical view? Conversely, should one despise the film, would that somebody miss the susceptibility to appreciate the bag of the visual art in the film? Or, instead, does ones brain of the render matter as invoice forestall any such taste perception?In the end, Coppolas ratiocination to use hi story as her theorise may be the autumn of the film. This because history demands a authorized treatment in order to be forge into frolic. angiotensin converting enzyme cannot throw entertainment into historyit simply smacks of hollowness and superficialitytwo of the most commonalty criticisms of the film.Worse, one can see that (as in the case with this film), even in the forepart of some sincerely yours outstanding cinematography and visual beautynot to reference point some pretty significant pecuniary investments, it is not nice to batter the historical liberties taken with the film. It is as if her subject matter has nonplus her stumbling block. To be sure, one can assert that the film is great in part. However, in part is not bounteous for lawful greatness. No, Marie Antoinette result be no Lawrence of Arabia, enjoyed for generations to comeand isnt that the true shield of a films sexual morality? whole shebang CitedBrinton, Crane. A decennary of Revol ution 1789-1799. harper and Row, 1963.Dudec, A. Cannes reality check. Milwaukee journal Sentinel, 25, whitethorn 2006. Retrieved on April 23, 2007, from, http//